Thursday, 15 November 2012

Food Heroes - Channel 9 News Thursday 15th November 2012

 Thanks to Channel 9 Perth for this great piece on Food Rescue.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

October 2012 Update

To date over 159,000 kilograms of food saved and over 318,000 meal equivalents distributed!
What a month! We broke another record in October with an amazing 51,000 meal equivalents collected and distributed! It’s a far cry from our first collections in December being 3,000 meal equivalents.  A big thank you to our food donors, volunteers, staff and our supporters for making this happen. Without your support we couldn’t continue the work that we do.

It’s fantastic to have our vans on the road, which are helping to feed over 5,500 people each week but where would we be without our drivers? A big thank you to our staff and volunteers for driving our vans and a MASSIVE thank you to Downer EDI for funding the cost of one our drivers for a whole year.

Speaking of drivers, October saw us farewell the lovely Lolo our full time driver and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. But we were lucky enough to welcome Paul as one of our Food Rescuers and he’s proving to be valuable asset.  Welcome aboard Paul!

As I mentioned last month we had students from Christ Church Grammar School come in and volunteer their time sorting the produce.  Some pics are due to follow soon but here’s what their teacher had to say about the experience

 “Some year 8 Humanities students volunteered after school at Food Rescue in Term 3.  They thoroughly enjoyed the hands on nature of the experience and the fact they could see how their help was going to have a positive effect for those in need.  The boys sorted the fresh food into the still edible food, and that food past their best. The food was then sorted into boxes of the same fruit or vegetables. Not only were the boys amazed at the amount of food wasted each day, but they also learned about new vegetables, previously unidentified!”
Nicole Xouris – Teacher of Humanities, Christ Church Grammar School

The generous people at Sharp Impressions, Pro Safety Gear and Elite Screenprinting donated high visibility vests to ensure our staff and volunteers are safe. They even screen printed our logo on them so everyone will know who we are. Although you can’t see his lovely face here’s a picture of George, one of our talented and dedicated volunteers modelling a new vest.


I’d like to give a special mention to the team at Equilibrium for ensuring our website looks fantastic. Thanks so much for working with us to get our name out there. We’d also like to wish you the best of luck with The Caxtons competition and we hope it wins! See below for the amazing work they are entering into the comp.


Food Rescue’s Santa’s List

If you have any of the following which you’re not using and are happy to give them away to a very good  cause then please think of us!

I  Small bar fridge

I  Laminator

I  Vacuum cleaner

I  Walkie Stacker
On behalf of the board and team at Food Rescue, thank you so much for your support.

We couldn’t do it without you!